#azlinrecipes CEKODOK CRISPY


Olla guyses !
It's have been a really long time tak update blog all because of  the student life ; assignments and final exam.

However, today I wanna share with my lovely readers one of my family's recipes which always give a big smile to them whenever they bite it. This recipes usually we make it for hi-tea or minum petang gitteuw which is CEKODOK CRISPY. 

I still remember very well when I'm staying in my hostel and my friends come over to watch K-Drama then suddenly everyone need something to bite, then that time I was thinking of this easy recipe since my housemate have an extra flour.

So I make Cekodok for the 5 of us and my friends love it so much because it's super crispy. That time I'm the one who fried it and my friend, Ming Ern helping me out with scoop the batter into a pan. After one batch of Cekodok have been fried, we ( Me and Ming Ern) have eaten all of them since the others three were sitting in front watching K-Drama. Haha we were so cruel that time, but yet we still don't care about others and enjoy our every bite.

So, since I love you see people happy, why not I share this easy recipe yet still delicious. What do you need for Cekodok Crispy?

What you need :

1. Onions
2. Potatoes 
3. Anchovies ( Ikan Bilis)
4. Flour
5. Salt
6. Hot Water ( The key of crispiness)
7. Room Temperature Water

The steps :

1. Diced the Onion and Potatoes.

2. Wash the anchovies.

3. Then put all of them in one big bowl so you can mix with the flour and water.

4. You can put the flour ( Wheat Flour).

5. After all the dry ingredients in one bowl, it is the time to put the water to make them stick into one and each other.

6. Okay, here is the key of the crispiness, you need 1: 1 ratio of hot water and room temperature water.

7. Mix it well and don't forget to put a pinch of salt :)

 * sorry I can't give the exact amount of the ingredients that needed to use because it's all just  "AGAK-AGAK"

8. Then fried it in hot oil and you can enjoy it :)

9. Eat with Thai Chili Sauce lagi sedap :)

Happy Trying 
Love, Azlin.

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