#azlinexploringthefoods Restoran Nelayan Seafood & Catering


My dad really good to explore the restaurant around the world because my dad used to travel a lot like a lot especially in Malaysia. So Restoran Nelayan Seafood & Catering really recommended by my dad and on the first time my dad brought us to this restaurant, we falling in love immediately with foods ! 

This picture i took from other blog.

As just wanna let  you know, this restaurant my family called Exotic so if my mom call us to go to this restaurant, my mom will say" Let's go to eat at Exotic" so we knew already it is Restoran Nelayan Seafood & Catering. WHY !! Because of, this restaurant used to serve exotic foods such as Daging Landak Masak Lemak Cili Api, Daging Rusa MAsak Cili Api and etc. But nowadays, they don't serve Daging Landak anymore, I think it is because it required a license for it since Landak is in group of extinct animals. 

This restaurant, they really famous with MASAK LEMAK CILI API because this restaurant located in Seremban. So as you know, people of Negeri Sembilan, they really love masak lemak cili api. However, don't worry much because their masak lemak cili api not to spicy and I think everyone can enjoy it. While for the kids they serve fried chicken and fish. SO DON'T WORRY EVERYONE CAN EAT !!

TA DA !!!

Ikan Kerai Masak Tempoyak.

Ikan Kerai also known as exotic fish and it get along well with Tempoyak. The fish itself is super fresh and just you imagine it cooked with tempoyak. Walawey super good.
Daging Rusa Masak Lemak with Nangka.

Pisang Muda Masak Lemak.

Ayam Kampung Goreng 

Perut Salai Masak Lemak
Why we having Perut Salai Masak Lemak is because my brother Ahmad love it so much. So I don't eat this personally but my brother said it was super good. So anyone who love to eat Perut can try this.

Ikan Pekasan and Ikan Masin with Onion, Cili

Ulam with Sambal Belacam and Tempoyak

Rating 5/5
Just take a note : The food quite pricey but but ! you won't regret to eating at this restaurant. 


Lokasi : Pt, 970, Wisma Perisa Wira, Jalan Zaaba
Rahang Square, 70100 seremban NSDK

Tel : 06 761 1191  Fax : 06 767 0741  INFO : 019 6888 767 adli

If you wanna go, just Waze or search at Google Restoran Nelayan Seremban they will come out the with the direction. 

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