#azlinrecipes PERIA TAUCHU


Now i wanna share my fav dish which is Peria Tauchu. So since I like it so much, so why not i'm share it with others because sharing is caring !
However, let me explain a bit about peria and tauchu since lots of people not familiar with it.

Peria Katak
Peria Katak is more bitter rather than normal Peria. You can differentiate it by how it looks like and the sizes. Basically Peria Katak  is smaller than Peria and the texture more rough like lots of kedut kedut like that la. 

My mom use this brand which is BILAL TAUCU because its Halal. Tauchu is fermented soya bean and it super salty. Usually if you cook with Tauchu, we don't add any salt because the Tauchu already balance the taste of our dishes.

P/s : i took the picture from the google.

So I think I give enough informations of  Peria and Tauchu. So what are we waiting for? Let's jom kita start.

What you need for Peria Tauchu :

1. Peria ( Normal Peria )
- but if you like bitter bitter stuff you can give a try with Peria Katak, 
2. Tauchu.
3. Cili Padi ( Merah and Hijau )
4.Bawang Besar
5. Ikan Bilis
6. Air Asam Jawa
7. Gula.
8. Salt ( for Peria only)

The Steps :

I did not add water YET

1. You cut the Peria and put it in the bowl that contain with salt and water.
    Why, because salt and water manage to reduce the bitterness of  Peria. 

2. You tumbuk Cili Padi until lumat ( i dont know how to describe lumat sigh ). Senang cerita until the cilipadi hancur la. The quantity of the cili padi it is up to you guys. 

3. Then you add Bawang Besar. Its based on the level of spiciness you can handle.
    The more the Bawang Besar, the less spicy it would be.
    The lesss the Bawang Besar, the more spicy it would be.

     Cet macam conclusion Sains pula HAHA

4. Itu la rupanya bila you tumbuk all the ingredients. But the Bawang we don't have to tumbuk sampai lumat sangat because it produce air bawang banyak and we don't want it to be happen.  

5. Heat your pans & oil. You fried first the Ikan Bilis until crispy and put it aside into the       bowl. 

6. After that, you put all the ingredients that we already tumbuk ( Cili Padi and Bawang ).     Cook until its change the texture ( Crispy but not until hangus la ).

8. Then you masukkan air asam jawa. ( Agak- agak )

9. Mean while you take the peria yang kita rendam dgn air garam, cuci dengan air bersih       and tapiskan.

10. After that, you straight away put the Peria that already washed with tap water. ( we         don't want the salt water anymore )

9. Gaulkan sampaikan sebati, masukkan pinch of sugar and terus masukkan Ikan Bilis yang     kita fried tadi. 

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