#azlinrecipes SAMBAL BELACAN


I think most of Malaysian will know what is Sambal Belacan because it is a common thing to have in your meals especially when you having masakan kampung. 

So today i wanna share the recepi of Sambal Belacan. 

What you need to make Sambal Belacan:

1. Belacan ( of course hehe )
   - either you want to bakar first that belacan or not, it ups to the strongest of that        
2. Cili Besar ( Merah )
3. Cili Padi (Merah and Hijau)
4. Limau Kasturi 
5. Garam & Gula  ( optional to the strongest of the Belacan itself )

6. Batu Lesung.
 - you can use a blender if you don't have batu lesung but the taste won't be super good like you do it with batu lesung. 

I'm not going to state the quantity of all the ingredients because to make Sambal Belacan it is up to you either you want it to be less spicy, moderate or super duper spicy ! But to me, i will make it super spicy so baru la PERGHHH !
So you guys can have your own amount of the ingredients OKAY ?

The steps : 

Cili Merah and Cili Padi ( with both colour ) and Belacan
If you not sure how much the amount of Belacan, you just add a bit of it. Why, because after you tumbuk all the ingredients, you can adjust it back based on your taste 
So dont worry la  ! 
You also can tumbuk first all the chilies without belacan but sumpah air dalam cili tu terpelanting so kalau tak nak pedih mata apa semua, letak belacan sekali so it will make less terpelanting. 
And this tips, i learnt from my lovely grandma, Puan Halimah and actually this recipe is from her but i learnt itfrom my Mom.  
Okay back to the steps hehe 

so this how it looks like when you done tumbuk.

Then you squeeze the Limau Kasturi.
( usually i will have 2 of Limau Kasturi )
Limau Kasturi is to add the flavour into the Sambal Belacan because that is what my grandma and my mom said to me heheheh

And you add pinch of sugar and salt to balance the taste and

And you eat la apa tunggu lagi .
Eat with fried fish pergh sumpah sedap.
This Sambal Belacan you can keep it for almost three weeks in refrigerator and ALSO you can have Nasi Goreng Belacan as well by having this Sambal Belacan as base ingredient to that Nasi Goreng.

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