#azlinrecipes BEGEDIL DAGING


Last week my family had Soto for our high tea  and of course la to compliment the Soto we should have BEGEDIL DAGING !!! 

And guess what ? I did all the Begedil Daging from the beginning till the end,  but credits to my sister in-law for helping fried all the bedegil and minced all the meats.
Eh enough la let's we start the sharing time !

The ingredients that you need for Begedil Daging:

1. Potatoes
2. Meat ( Fresh is better , if you want the minced processed meats also can but not as good as fresh meats - that is i guarantee)
3.Onion ( Diced)
4. Parsley
6. Salt
As usually i will not mention the quantity of the ingredients because it is based on how many to want the Bedegil Daging. Just one thing i can sure is everything can adjust if you are not sure. So don't worry.

The Steps:

1. Take potatoes, peel the skins and cut into whatever shape you like. Then fried all the potatoes ( until golden brown)

2. Mean while you take the fresh meat and minced them ( remove all the fats )

3. After done minced the meat, you fried it until the water from the meat dry.

4. Then you diced the onions and parsley.

5. So when the potatoes and the minced meat ready, you can start mixed all the ingredients.

6. Take one big bowl and smash all the potatoes.

7. After done smashed the potatoes, you put the fried minced meat into the same bowl.

8. Then you mixed together with the diced onions and parsley.

9. After that, you mixed it with eggs. That time i use two eggs for two tray of Begedil Daging.
P/s: Some people use eggs and some people dont't. The reason why i use eggs is because to make them stick to each other so that the mixture gonna be firm.

10. Then you just mixed it all well. I personally prefer use hand to mixed it because when you want to shape the Begedil you need to use hand !

11. Once you done shape it, you need eggs for fried the Bedegil.  You just beat the eggs and celup the Bedegil Daging into it and fried !

12. Fried it all the Begedil that you already celup with the beaten eggs

TADAAAAAA that is how it looks like !!

Happy Trying
Love, Azlin Azman !

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