#azlinexploringthefoods Kelantan Trip 002


Then next day morning, we went to get our breakfast at KOPITIAM KITA

Opps sorry Ahmad Inter frame 

The most famous in this restaurant is Roti Titab.

 Basically Roti Titab is where making the bread, they use a same technique to make a french toast that you need to dip the bread into the beaten eggs and  grill for every side then instead having butter and honey, Roti Titab they have kaya and half boiled eggs in the middle.

so here the video to show you guys about Roti Titab !
Rating: 4/5

This restaurant not only sell Roti Titab, but they still have other things like Nasi Dagang, Kuih Muih and etc.

The restaurant so clean and the service super fast. They open from 6.30 am until 1.30 pm 

The environment in Kopitiam Kita

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