#azlinexploringthefoods Ikan Bakar, Fort Supai.


Alright people, i know it's been a busy week for us right ? But give a stop and read #azlinexploringthefoods at Restoran Ikan Bakar, Fort Supai that located at Kuala Linggi, Melaka. 

Yes people its SEAFOOD TIME !!

I bet most you guys mesti suka makan seafood kan ? Seafood adalah kenikmatan yang tiada tandingannya . Yes, I know people it's a fact ! 

Okay, so today I'm sharing one of my family favorite place to eat seafood that not too far and not too near. It's like in the middle because it's located at Melaka. I think Melaka people will know this place because its super famous !

My family just knew about this place because if not mistaken la kan, my mom terjumpa dalam one blog so she tempting to give a try either its good or NAY. 

In my personal opinion, this restaurant is super good in terms of cleanliness, services, friendly workers,especially that one kakak ;i like her because she is super good with explaining all the food that they serves and super friendly ! 

And this restaurant super big big one you know ; like super big and sometimes kesian tengok workers dia penat berjalan but I bet they make a good business. 

As you can see, to go to that restaurant you need to walk quite far because of that they called their restaurant "Terapung" so it's like in the middle of kelauatan. HAHA okay, I know I sound stupid but I really don't know to tell you guys how its look like. But I think you guys have high imagination kan? 

Okay almost sampai already yeah its super far from the parking lots to the restaurant. So anyone who has a grandma or grandpa who not strong enough to walk, maybe you guys can bring the wheelchair its better for them. Same goes to the baby, maybe can use the stroller or what la kan so that you as parents tak penat sangat nak dukung your cute baby. 

Yes, I know it's super big ! So basically they have two places to sit la; either inside or outside, but so far my family will choose outside because my mom and dad love fresh air. Yes, I know it looks so empty, but I said it super famous kan? but anyhow, I don't lie to you guys because this time we went on weekdays if not mistaken it was  Monday Night. 

Because they said if you guys wanna come on weekends, please make a call for reservation if not ah, you guys cannot even find the place to sit because it will be super packs and crowded. 

Okay, now let me show you guys what they have. So far whenever I go here, all their seafood is super fresh.




Okay their style like this tau, they will come to your table to take your order, then one of you guys ( usually your mommaaa ) kena masuk inside to choose your fresh fish, squid and other seafood so that they can cook it for you order what you already order because they count all the seafood prices based on the weight.

Their Ikan Bakar sumpah sedap nak mam ! I don't lie serious I don't lie. I love it so much because they cut the fish in the butterfly style so cooked very well for the both sides and in the same time still moist from inside and what I love about this ikan bakar it's because they have sambal on top of the fish so it's not like normal Ikan Bakar that have turmeric and salt. They also serve all the ikan bakar with sambal kicap which my dad favorite all the time. In sambal kicap they put onion, cili api , kicap and lime and it blend so well with all the ingredients.



Their sambal ketam Ya Allah Ya Ampun sedap nak gila gila sampai tergila makan ketam ni. I don't know about others, but I'm ya big fan of ketam. Their Ketam Sambal not like the typical Ketam Sambal that you put cili giling but their ketam sambal have kelainan sikit because you can taste curry sikit. So it taste like pedas pedas manis + curry . Ha something like that la anyway, I love this version of ketam sambal sebab you tak muak bila makan.  
This Udang Kunyit I can't  review how it taste like because I don't eat prawn but I asked others, they said it;s super simple dish but you can taste the sweetness from the prawn itself. 
But this one I can review about it because I'm a big fan of sotong tepung ! I tell you ah this sotong tepung sumpah the best and its crispy like how I like it la ! crispy outside but still moist inside. YA ALLAH sedap gila Sotong Tepung ni. Tepung melekat dekat sotong tu and tak macam you macam kat tempat lain yang tepung lagi banyak dari sotong kan ? 

So I'm so happy to share this happiness with you guys because everyone deserves it right ? Okay just wanna inform you guys this Restoran Terapung Ikan Bakar Fort Supai open every day NO cuti for them from 5 PM to tak ada orang dah. That is what one kakak said to me HAHAH
I think they have only cuti for first day of Hari Raya yeah. 
That kakak said to me for Cuti Umum and Weekends please a call for reservation if not bye bye. 

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