#azlinexploringthefoods Kelantan Trip 003


Our last pit stop before heading back home was at SULIZA KEDAI MAKAN.

Here we had s set of Daging Bakar and this one of my brother fav food when he studied here before.
because they served Sup Perut ! My brother is a big fan of perut. 
Daging Bakar
Rating : 4/5

 They marinated the beef  with great recipes until you can taste the juice of that beef  and a bit sweet from the soy sauce i think and the beef so tender but they gave us small portion and it makes me sad. 

The set of Daging Bakar.
Rice, daging bakar with cilies and a bowl of sup perut
Rating 3/5

Because i only love the daging bakar. however, the sup perut is spicy and not smelly at all. Usually, Sup Perut they have their unappetizing smell but this one, NOPE  So i still can eat the sup tho without having perut. 

So if anyone question about how the Sup Perut looks like, itulah rupanya !

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